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The Israel Society for Plasma Science and Technology Applications (IPSTA) is a division within the Israel Vacuum Society, serving as a home for those in the community of researchers who work with various areas related to the science and technology of plasma. The idea of forming a division was initiated in 1998 by Ray Boxman, who realized that there was quite a large number of groups in academia and in research institutes who were working this area and who would like to share knowledge and expertise and seek an adequate platform.
As part of its activities, IPSTA arranges annual meetings, sponsored by IVS. So far, IPSTA has organized the following scientific meetings:
1998 TAU. Organizer: Ray Boxman
1999 TAU. Organizer: Yitzhak Maron and Ray Boxman
2000 BGU. Organizer: Michael Mond
2001 Technion. Organizer: Yakiv Krasik
2002 Weizmann Institute of Science. Organizer: Yitzhak Maron
2003 Holon, Academic Inst.of Technology. Organizer: Amnon Fruchtman
2004 TAU, organizer: Ray Boxman
2005 The College of Judea and Samaria. Organizers: Asher Yahalom and Yosef Pinhasi
2006 TAU. Organizer: Ray Boxman
2008 BGU. Organizer: Michael Mond
2009 HUJI. Organizer: Arie Zigler
2010 Technion. Organizer: Yacov Krasik
2011 Ariel University Center of Samaria. Organizers: Yosef Pinhasi, Yuri Lurie, Asher Yahalom, and Danny Hardon
2012 Weizmann Institute of Science. Organizer: Yitzhak Maron
2013 Holon, Academic Inst. of Technology, Organizer: Amnon Fruchtman
2014 TAU
2015 Ariel University
2016 BGU
2017 HUJI
2018 TAU
2019 Technion (together with IVS)

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