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June 27th 2022

Israel Italy Workshop on Advanced Materials

Israel Italy Workshop on Advanced Materials

June 27th 2022


March 2nd @ The Nanocenter at Bar-Ilan University
google map.jpg
Attendees who have a parking pass inside BIU, should enter from Gate 10
Please note that early bird registration is closed, registrants at this point need to pay the full rate 850/500 NIS
After 19.2.23 cancellations will not be entitled to reimbursement of registration fee
Sponsors and Exhibitors interested in exhibiting please contact
We have limited parking inside the Bar Ilan campus and we encourage attendants to car pool.

We will give free entrance to up to 30 cars, with priority given to those cars arriving with at least three paid registrants inside.

To apply, please email after registration with the names of the passengers and plate number

Plenary Lecture by Israel’s Chief Scientist Avi Domb
"Applied Science in Academia - Innovation, Science and Technology in Israel"

Bio Applied Surfaces and Materials 
Chair: Chris Arnusch (BGU)
Keynote: Han Zuilhof (Wageningen U.)

                 Axel Rosenhahn (Ruhr-U. Bochum)  
Invited: Meital Reches (HUJI)

               Zvi Yaari (HUJI)

Energy and Sustainability: Materials,
Methods,and Breakthroughs  

Chair: Hannah-Noa Barad (BIU)
Keynote: Peter Strasser (TUB, Germany)­  
                 Iris Visoly-Fisher (BGU)
Invited: Michal Leskes (WIS) | Idan Hod (BGU)

Winner of the IVS Career Excellence Award: Zeev Zalevsky
"Manipulating light through nano- and micro-structures"

Frontiers in Nanophotonics
Chair: Nir Shitrit (BGU) 
Keynote: Nir Davidson (WIS)
                 Marco Sampietro (Politecnico di Milano)
Invited: Boubacar Kanté (UC Berkeley) | Ofer Kfir (TAU)

Nanoscience for Future Quantum

Technologies: Novel Materials, Devices, and Characterizations
Chair:  Assaf Ben-Moshe (BIU)
Keynote: Efrat Lifshitz (Technion) | Amos Sharoni (BIU)
Invited: Eran Maniv (BGU) | Tal Schwarz (TAU)

Chair: Ronen Gottesman (HUJI)
Keynote: Uri Banin (HUJI)

                  Daniel Mandler (HUJI)
Invited: Gil Markovich (TAU) 

               Menny Shalom (BGU)

Smart and Multifunctional Materials

and Devices: Transducers,

Sensors and Actuators 
Chair: Yonatan Calahorra (Technion) | Yaron Amouyal (Technion)
Keynote: Elisabetta Comini (U. Brescia) 

                  Esti Segal (Tehnion)
Invited: Roie Yerushalmi (HUJI) | Alla Zak (HIT)

Surface Science
Chair:  Ilan Goldfarb (TAU)
Keynote: Ed Bormaschenko (Ariel U)                               Moshe Ben Shalom (TAU)
Invited: Beena Kalisky (BIU)

               Igor Rahinov (Open U)

Plasma Science
Chair:  Yosef Pinhasi (Ariel U.)
Keynote: Aharon Friedman (Ariel U.)
                 Samuel A. Cohen (Princeton)

Computational modeling and

data science for new materials
Chair: Ilya Grinberg (BIU)
Keynote: Leeor Kronik (WIS) | Dan Major (BIU)

Invited: Oswaldo Dieguez (TAU) | Eli Kraisler (HUJI)

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