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IVS Student Conference 2020

IVS Student Conference 2020

This year the conference is being held on Zoom due to the gathering restrictions imposed by COVID-19. It has allowed us to experiment and tweak the usual face-to-face conference setup and make it more interactive and interesting. The conference will have the following highlights:

  • Two keynote speakers, Prof. Andrew Rappe (U. Penn) and Prof. Shlomo Magdassi (HUJI), will introduce a broad topic that will be followed by extensive discussions with students.

  • Three parallel sessions running where students present their work and hold extensive discussions. The format will be 10 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion.

  • Flash talk: quick presentation (5 mins) and discussion (5 mins).

  • Career panel with key representatives from industry and academia, Dr. Malachi Noked (BIU) and Prof. Maya Bar-Sadan (BGU), discussing 'Career Path Choices' for MSc and Ph.D. students as well as Post docs.

  • The career panel will be followed by dedicated breakout rooms hosted by companies: IntelPearl Cohen Zedek Latzar BaratzNVIDIAVishayScience Abroad.

  • Top three presentation awards. 1st prize sponsored by Intel.

  • Top three flash talk awards.

Conference sponsors & supporters

Department of Chemistry | Bar Ilan University

Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials | Bar-Ilan University

The Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering | Bar-Ilan University

The Iby and Aladar Fleischman Faculty of Engineering | Tel Aviv University

The Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (HUCNN)

Sustainability and Energy Research Initiative (SAERI) | Weizmann Institute of Science

The organizing committee

Sarah Taragin, Kusha Sharma, and Eliran Evenstein (Bar-Ilan University)

Lotem Alus (Weizmann Institute of Science)

David Svetlizky (Tel Aviv University)

Amram Azulay (Technion)

Shahar Dery (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Jonathan Tzadikov, and Ayat Asleh (Ben-Gurion University)

The organizing committee
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