IVS Student Conference 2020

This year the conference is being held on Zoom due to the gathering restrictions imposed by COVID-19. It has allowed us to experiment and tweak the usual face-to-face conference setup and make it more interactive and interesting. The conference will have the following highlights:
Two keynote speakers, Prof. Andrew Rappe (U. Penn) and Prof. Shlomo Magdassi (HUJI), will introduce a broad topic that will be followed by extensive discussions with students.
Three parallel sessions running where students present their work and hold extensive discussions. The format will be 10 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion.
Flash talk: quick presentation (5 mins) and discussion (5 mins).
Career panel with key representatives from industry and academia, Dr. Malachi Noked (BIU) and Prof. Maya Bar-Sadan (BGU), discussing 'Career Path Choices' for MSc and Ph.D. students as well as Post docs.
The career panel will be followed by dedicated breakout rooms hosted by companies: Intel, Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzar Baratz, NVIDIA, Vishay, Science Abroad.
Top three presentation awards. 1st prize sponsored by Intel.
Top three flash talk awards.
Conference sponsors & supporters
Department of Chemistry | Bar Ilan University
Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials | Bar-Ilan University
The Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering | Bar-Ilan University
The Iby and Aladar Fleischman Faculty of Engineering | Tel Aviv University
The Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (HUCNN)
Sustainability and Energy Research Initiative (SAERI) | Weizmann Institute of Science
The organizing committee
Sarah Taragin, Kusha Sharma, and Eliran Evenstein (Bar-Ilan University)
Lotem Alus (Weizmann Institute of Science)
David Svetlizky (Tel Aviv University)
Amram Azulay (Technion)
Shahar Dery (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Jonathan Tzadikov, and Ayat Asleh (Ben-Gurion University)