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Website Regulations

1. General Terms and Conditions
1.1. These Regulations set the terms of usage of all the materials on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website), the rights and responsibilities of the Israel Vacuum Society (hereinafter referred to as IVS) and the rights and responsibilities of the users of this site (hereinafter referred to as Users).
1.2. In the event that some relevant information is not included in these website regulations, the relationship between the Website Owner and the Users will be governed by the laws and norms prevailing in the state of Israel.
1.3. These terms and conditions may be updated, changed or removed by the IVS anytime and without advance notice. The previous version of these Terms and Conditions will expire from the moment the new one will be uploaded to the Website and will take effect.
2. Website Owner
2.1. The owner of the website and its sub-domains is the Israel Vacuum Society- Science, Technology and Applications (IVS).  IVS is a non-profit organization (No. 580138097), aimed at promoting and stimulating professional interaction and communication amongst Israeli scientists and technicians specializing in fields traditionally originating with vacuum science and technology, including surface science, thin films, devices, and nanotechnology. The society operates according to its formal regulations outlined in its charter, and is supervised by the Israeli Corporations Authority.
2.2. This Website is the sole and exclusive property of the Website Owner. The Website Owner may exercise the above given rights as it sees fit and its other vested rights in relation to the Website, may change and amend the information on the Website, may authorize and may restrict access to the Website.
2.3. The Website Owner will maintain the Website as a source of information about the Israel Vacuum Society and its operations, and may use it as a platform assisting to carry out the IVS mission as defined in its charter, approved by the Israeli Corporations Authority.
3. Website Users
3.1. Any party accessing the Website via the Internet will be recognized as a User.
3.2. Website Users acquire their rights and responsibilities at the moment they access any web page part of the Website. Website Users can resign their rights by abandoning the Website they have been using.
3.4. Users have unrestricted access to all the information of the Website. Users agree to desist from actions causing damage to the information of the Website, limiting third parties’ access to the Website or attempts to change in a certain way the informational and programming content of the pages of this Website.
4. Status of content of the pages of the Website
4.1. This Website contains material which is owned by the Website Owner or other legal holders, uploaded to the Website with their consent. Other parties are not authorized to use the materials of the Website, reproduce it in full or in part, disclose, distribute or copy it without prior written consent of the Website Owner and/or right holders except for personal use of this material.
 4.2. Users can freely familiarize themselves with the material of the Website. Unless otherwise stated Users can access materials of the Website free of charge. The parties will incur all the expenses that result from the realization of their rights and responsibilities concerning the Website.
4.3. The Website Owner will make all attempts to ensure  that the materials found or offered on the Website are complete, accurate and timely though cannot guarantee as to the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information and will not be liable for any consequences arising out of any use of the materials hereof.
4.4. Reference information including but not limited to information on past and future conferences and workshops organized or sponsored by IVS and its sections, manuscripts written by IVS members (subjected to copyright pre-authorization), biographic details of IVS members who wish to publicize their activities, other conferences related to the scientific and technological areas of interest for IVS members, calls for prizes awarded by IVS and past awards granted by IVS and its sections. The Website Owner will take the necessary measures to correct possible mistakes and insure timely updates. However, the Website Owner cannot guarantee the absence of delays in updating or unintentional posting of innacurate as a result of mistakes or technical failure or scheduled maintenance operations on the Website.
4.5. Information about the Website Owner is published to increase the openness of operations of the Website Owner and to inform the IVS members and the general public of the IVS operations and the state of affairs of the society. In view of this the Website Owner will reserve the right to determine the materials for the Website, upload, update and delete information.
5. Data exchange with Users
5.1. Users have the right to express their opinion on the functioning of IVS, ask questions, submit suggestions and comments. Users can find telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of different structural units of the Website Owner on the Website.
5.2. An official response by IVS is a letterhead document affixed with the seal of Israel Vacuum Society (IVS).
5.3. All information provided by Users can be published on the Website unless marked ‘not for publication’.
5.4. The Website Owner will not be held responsible for the information provided by Users. If a message sent by a User violates legal and / or moral standards the Website Owner reserves the right to delete such a message immediately without prior notice to the User.
6. Liability of the parties
6.1. The parties will not be liable for accidental damage apart from cases directly specified in the Israeli law.
6.2. The Website Owner will not be liable for the loss of income arising from technical failure of equipment and software or loss of income arising from Users’ actions going against the usual use of information on the Internet.
6.3. The Website Owner will not be liable for the losses of Users and third parties arising from any use of the materials of the Website.
6.4. Violation of the current Terms and Conditions by Users may lead to complete or restricted access to the Website. The Website Owner serves the right to make decisions on the denial of access to a User, access restriction, abortion or suspension of registration.
7. Registration to events and cancellation policy
7.1 Registration to the annual meeting of the IVS grants the registrant a one year membership in the society, provided that the registrant expressed his / her will to become a member during the registration process. It is possible however, to hold a one year membership without participating in the annual meeting by paying an annual fee of 50 NIS. All IVS members are eligible to vote and to be elected for the board of the society. Voting takes place at the general assembly of the society, which usually takes place during the annual meeting.
7.2 Your registration to the annual meeting or to any other event organized or sponsored by the IVS, reflects your approval to be included in the IVS database. The IVS is committed not to forward the details to any commercial body. If however, you wish not to be included in our database just send a short Email to us.
7.3 Preregistration can be done through the website only and can be performed until five days before the date of the meeting. From that point on, only on-site registration will be possible (with its limitations as appear below).
7.4 The IVS will accept credit cards as part of a pre-registration process. Payments through this site are highly secured through Interspace (Tranzila) LTD. Hence, the IVS has no access to, and does not keep any credit card details. Accordingly, the IVS will not be held liable to any direct or indirect damage incurred to a registrant or to anyone acting in his / her name by illegal distribution of credit card information. A transaction will be regarded completed only after approval by the credit card company.
7.5 Institutional payment is possible. In that case the institution has to apply in advance to our secretariat at with the names of the attendees and their status (regular, student, etc.). In return, IVS will provide personal codes, to be used instead of credit card details during the submission of the registration forms.
7.6 While we prefer paying by credit cards, it is still possible to pay by checks. For details about this option please send an Email to our secretariat at
7.7 IVS clearly prefers pre-registration, however may accept, up to 20 participants who register on site. Payment for on-site registration will be possible only by cash or by personal checks.
7.8. Registration fees may depend on the type of event. The fees will be publicize at the specific page of each event. IVS reserves the right to alter fees for prior to registration.  
7.9 IVS does its best to provide the participants with a full schedule of its meetings ahead of time. However, minor alterations in the program due to unexpected changes in the availability of speakers might happen. The IVS will not be held liable for such minor alterations in the program.
7.10 All cancellations must be done by e-mail to Please make sure to provide your name and your affiliation in your cancellation Email letter. Refunding policy for cancellations appears at the specific page of each event. Under any circumstances, the refunded amount is limited to the fees paid by the registrant.    
7.11 In the rare case of last minute cancellation of a meeting organized by the IVS, all paid fees will be returned to the participants. No further compensations by the IVS should be expected.
8. Examination of claims and conflict settlement
8.1. Claims must be filed by post to the Website Owner’s legal address. Such a letter should include enough information to consider the claim on the merits as well as the name (personal name/company name) and the place of residence/ legal address of the sender. Anonymous claims will not be considered.
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